10 things I know about penguins
1. Most penguins live in Antarctica and parts of nearby countries. they like to live where it is icy cold.
2. Penguins are birds that swim instead of fly. They use their wings like flippers underwater.
3. Penguins spend most of their time in water looking for food. some can stay underwater for about an hour.
4. The penguins thick, oily feathers are warm and waterproof.
5. There are eighteen different kins of penguins. The blue fairy penguin is only one foot tall(12 inches),while the emperor stands four feet tall.
6. Once a year, most kinds of penguins make nests and lay their eggs.
7. Instead of making a nest, the male emperor penguin holds the egg on it's feet to keep it warm until it hatches.
8. Penguins eat fish. when the penguin chicks are first hatched, the adults chew up their food for them.
9. Penguins live in large groups called rookeries. sometimes one million birds live in one rookery.
10! One land penguins travel by waddling or hopping on their short legs. when they are in a hurry, they slide on their bellies.
That is what I know about penguins!
2. Penguins are birds that swim instead of fly. They use their wings like flippers underwater.
3. Penguins spend most of their time in water looking for food. some can stay underwater for about an hour.
4. The penguins thick, oily feathers are warm and waterproof.
5. There are eighteen different kins of penguins. The blue fairy penguin is only one foot tall(12 inches),while the emperor stands four feet tall.
6. Once a year, most kinds of penguins make nests and lay their eggs.
7. Instead of making a nest, the male emperor penguin holds the egg on it's feet to keep it warm until it hatches.
8. Penguins eat fish. when the penguin chicks are first hatched, the adults chew up their food for them.
9. Penguins live in large groups called rookeries. sometimes one million birds live in one rookery.
10! One land penguins travel by waddling or hopping on their short legs. when they are in a hurry, they slide on their bellies.
That is what I know about penguins!
At 4:55 PM,
Jessi said…
Wow!!! Lydie, you are a smarty-pants. I learn a lot about penguins from your blog. Very interesting stuff.
At 5:08 PM,
Jessi said…
Hey i helped you type that, but it was still your idea to copy the book. Good job
At 7:46 PM,
Jessi said…
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At 7:49 PM,
Jessi said…
I remember when we watched March of the Penguins as a family and you were so sad because the baby penguins were going to miss their mom's. You are so sweet.
Nice job on your blog about penguins.
At 5:53 PM,
Michelle Pyne said…
Wow, you know so much about penguins! Did you like the movie "March of the Penguins"? I liked it but I went to sleep in the middle of it. Maybe I was just too tired that day.
At 9:14 AM,
Adam said…
You know your penguins!! It sounds like you have a bit of biologist in you. I like that because I like biology too.
At 2:19 PM,
Adam said…
Another story about penguins: I have a friend name Guinevere but she goes by Guin. When she was little someone asked her, "Can you get me a pen Guin?" but she heard it as "Can you get me a penguin?" She finally figured it out and had a good laugh. After that her favorite animal was the penguin.
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